
Can dogs eat pomegranates?

Can dogs eat pomegranates
Can dogs eat pomegranates

Today I will share with you my knowledge about whether Can dogs eat pomegranates? I will also explain whether dogs cannot eat pomegranates.


You can eat pomegranates, but it’s best not to give them to your dog.

Pomegranate is rich in anthocyanins, linoleic acid, vitamins, and mineral elements, which can supplement the body’s demand for such nutrients. However, pomegranates contain a large amount of pomegranate seeds, which can easily cause indigestion in dogs, and the sugar content in pomegranates is too high. Feeding large amounts will increase the burden on the kidneys and cause damage to the dog’s teeth.

Pomegranate seeds contain a small amount of toxic compounds, which can cause certain poisons in the intestines and even cause symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhoea in puppies.

Pomegranate seeds are not like what we usually call dog food pomegranate seeds. They are very hard and difficult for puppies to digest. If puppies eat pomegranate seeds, they may develop an intestinal tract disease. With accumulation, the puppy is not suitable for defecation, which will lead to other symptoms that are not conducive to the growth of the puppy.

Can dogs eat pomegranates?

Dogs cannot eat pomegranates.

According to most veterinary experts, pomegranates are not suitable for dogs to eat, and owners should not feed their dogs anything containing pomegranate ingredients. Recent research shows that most dogs who eat pomegranate seeds become sick soon after.

The reason given by experts is that dogs cannot process the antioxidants contained in pomegranates in their bodies like humans. It is the presence of high levels of this type of antioxidant that makes pomegranate a more nutritious fruit for humans. For dogs, although they also need antioxidants in their diet, the substances in pomegranates are not suitable for them.

Pomegranates are rich in tannins, ellagic acid, and anthocyanin acids, which are components that are difficult for dogs to break down. Therefore, in most cases, eating pomegranates will cause stomach pain, even diarrhoea and vomiting.

The seeds are the most easily eaten part of the pomegranate. Dogs are naturally greedy, so they may not spit out the seeds and eventually swallow them. Swallowing the seeds may cause stomach pain and diarrhoea because your dog’s stomach cannot digest them on its own.

What to do after your dog eats pomegranate by mistake

Generally speaking, the vomiting symptoms will disappear soon, and there is no need to worry too much. However, if the adverse symptoms last for more than 24 hours, then you need to take the dog to see a doctor because the dog’s body is getting worse and worse. weak. No matter how many pomegranates the dog eats, all the owner needs to do is observe carefully and observe vomiting, diarrhoea, etc, thats why dogs cannot eat pomegranates.

During this period, try not to let the dog eat anything. Generally, their symptoms will disappear after six hours. When it stops vomiting, you can first give it water to replenish its appetite, and then slowly provide it with a small amount of food. Also, it’s okay to eat a little, as long as you control your intake.

Can dogs eat pomegranates?


Dogs can eat pomegranates, but don’t feed them too many pomegranates because pomegranates contain high sugar content, and eating too much will cause damage to your dog’s teeth.

The outer testa of pomegranate is fleshy, bright red, light red, or white. The fruit is juicy, sweet, and sour. The inner testa is horny. There are also types that have degenerated and become soft, namely soft-seeded pomegranates. They like warm and sunny environments and are good for The soil requirements are not strict, but well-drained, sandy soil is suitable for cultivation.

Pomegranate has antibacterial and disease-fighting effects on dog skin fungi. Pomegranate contains punicic acid and other organic acids, which can promote digestion and absorption and increase dog appetite.

Can dogs eat pomegranate seeds?

Dogs cannot eat pomegranate seeds.

Pomegranate seeds contain cyanide, which is a toxic substance. Dogs will experience symptoms such as vomiting after eating them. Dogs’ own gastrointestinal digestion ability is not strong, and indigestible foods such as fruit cores will increase the burden on the dog’s gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, dogs cannot eat pomegranate seeds, and they cannot be fed during the period after eating pomegranate seeds. After the vomiting symptoms are over, they should be fed with more water and then supplemented with nutrients.

Things to note when feeding your dog

1. Feed your dog too much.

When raising pet dogs, I believe many pet owners hope that their dogs can grow fat, so they will feed their dogs more food, three or four times a day, a lot each time. In fact, this approach by the owner is wrong. It will not only cause intestinal discomfort and diarrhoea but also cause many problems. Dogs should be fed regularly and quantitatively!

2. Eating the same thing for a long time

When raising pet dogs, owners cannot feed them a single diet. Eating only the same food for a long time will only cause malnutrition. During the breeding process, in addition to the staple foods, fruits and vegetables cannot be forgotten. This will also make the dog’s nutrition more balanced, so owners must remember it!

3. Give your pet dog chocolate.

Dogs cannot eat chocolate, so when raising a pet dog, the owner must put the chocolate away to prevent the dog from accidentally eating it, and do not give the dog too many snacks that are eaten by humans. Not only are dogs prone to tear stains if they eat too much, but they may also not like to eat dog food!

4. Feed your pet dog or cat food.

If your family has pet dogs as well as pet cats, you must pay attention when feeding them. Never give cat food to the dogs. Because their nutritional needs are different, many dogs eat cat food. Diarrhoea and vomiting will occur. Be sure to separate when feeding to prevent dogs from grabbing food!

5. Give grapes to your pet dog.

Although there are many fruits that dogs can eat, the grapes in the fruit cannot be eaten by dogs. Many dogs will suffer from kidney failure after eating grapes. Some dogs are okay after eating it, maybe because it hasn’t reached a certain amount yet!

What are the benefits of eating pomegranates for dogs?

Pomegranate is rich in punicic acid and other organic acids; it can promote digestion and absorption, increase dog appetite, and have other effects.

Pomegranate peel contains pomegranate, which has the effects of astringent intestines, diarrhea, the  production of fluids, and thirst! It can also kill parasites in humans and dogs. It plays the roles of an anthelmintic, an insecticide, and dysentery. Antibacterial: Pomegranate has antibacterial, anti-disease, and other effects, and it also has antibacterial effects on various skin fungi in dogs!

Conclusion Of Can dogs eat pomegranates?

It is not recommended for dogs to eat pomegranate fruit.

Because pomegranate is a special fruit, its core and pulp are not easy to separate. Dogs who eat pomegranates can easily eat a large amount of the core by mistake.

These fruit pits accumulate in the narrow areas of the intestines and are more likely to cause intestinal obstruction, especially in small dogs. In addition, dogs should not eat common fruits such as mangoes and grapes to avoid causing severe allergies or poisoning in dogs. Finally, it is recommended to feed mainly dog food. In addition to dog food, you can also feed canned, freeze-dried, and other pet foods.

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