
Does Cinnamon Have Health Benefits? A Comprehensive Overview

Does Cinnamon Have Health Benefits? A Comprehensive Overview


Does Cinnamon Have Health Benefits
Does Cinnamon Have Health Benefits

Does Cinnamon Have Health Benefits

Cinnamon is one of the most popular spices in the world and has been used for centuries for both culinary and health purposes. This aromatic spice is derived from the inner bark of various tropical evergreen cinnamon trees. Over the years, extensive research has uncovered many science-backed cinnamon health benefits that make it more than just a tasty addition to foods and beverages.

This comprehensive article explores the evidence-based medicinal uses and health advantages associated with different forms of cinnamon and tells Does Cinnamon Have Health Benefits.

What is Cinnamon?

Cinnamon comes from the bark of tropical evergreen trees belonging to the genus Cinnamomum. These trees are native across South and Southeast Asia, including Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, and Myanmar .

There are over 250 species of cinnamon trees globally, but only four main types used to produce the common cinnamon spice sold around the world [2]:

  • Ceylon cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum): Also known as “true cinnamon”, it originates from Sri Lanka and is considered superior due to its mild sweet flavor profile.
  • Cassia cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia): Typically grown in China and Southeast Asia. It has a stronger, more pungent flavor. About 90% of cinnamon in international trade is Cassia [3].
  • Saigon cinnamon (Cinnamomum loureiroi): Grown in Vietnam and known for its phenolic richness [4]. Has a flavor and color similar to Cassia cinnamon.
  • Korintje cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii): A type of Cassia cinnamon grown specifically in Indonesia, known for its unique flavor.

All types of edible cinnamon spices come from stripping away the interior bark of cinnamon trees, then drying and rolling the bark into classic cinnamon quills or grinding it into powder.

Cinnamon Nutrition Facts

Cinnamon is very low in calories yet high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. It also contains traces of minerals like calcium, iron, and zinc. The exact nutrition composition varies slightly depending on the cinnamon type.

Below are the nutrients found in 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of ground Cassia cinnamon [6]:

  • Calories: 247
  • Carbs: 80 g
  • Fiber: 53.1 g
  • Calcium: 1002 mg
  • Iron: 8.32 mg
  • Magnesium: 60 mg
  • Vitamin K: 31.2 μg

Ceylon cinnamon, the “true” cinnamon, tends to be lower in calories with higher calcium levels and lower coumarin content (see the “precautions” section below) compared to Cassia varieties like Chinese cinnamon [7]. All types provide antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds like polyphenols within safe limits.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

For thousands of years, cinnamon has been highly valued for both culinary uses and purported health properties, especially in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine practices [8].

Modern science has confirmed many of these therapeutic uses through extensive laboratory research, animal models, and human clinical trials and tells Does Cinnamon Have Health Benefits. Here are some of the top evidence-based medicinal properties of cinnamon.

  1. May Aid Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome Treatment

Some of the strongest scientific support for cinnamon exists for improving blood sugar control, insulin sensitivity, and other common symptoms of metabolic syndrome that underlie type 2 diabetes and prediabetes [9].

For example, a randomized controlled trial published in Diabetics Care gave 60 people with type 2 diabetes either 1, 3, or 6 grams of Cassia cinnamon powder per day or a placebo powder. After 40 days, all three cinnamon doses significantly reduced fasting blood sugar levels compared to placebo by up to 29% [10].

Ceylon cinnamon also showed promise for improving insulin sensitivity markers in adults with prediabetes, although less research exists for this particular variety [11].

Researchers believe cinnamon compounds like cinnamaldehyde enhance cellular insulin signaling while also slowing stomach emptying after meals to have an overall blood sugar stabilizing effect [12]. Over time, this may lower HbA1c levels – a key marker of long-term glucose management.

A meta-analysis in the Journal of Medicinal Food concluded that cinnamon doses between 120 mg to 6 grams per day “significantly lower levels of fasting glucose and HbA1c” in people with type 2 diabetes [13]. More large scale human trials are still needed to establish longer term effects.

Bottom Line:

Daily cinnamon supplementation may help manage type 2 diabetes and prediabetes symptoms like elevated fasting blood glucose and HbA1c levels. Researchers believe it works by enhancing insulin signaling activity while slowing gastric emptying after meals for an overall blood sugar regulating impact, though longer term human trials are limited.

  1. May Protect Against Heart Disease Risk Factors

Emerging evidence suggests cinnamon may boost several markers related to lower heart disease risk.

For instance, an analysis of randomized controlled trials in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics involving 543 adults found Cassia cinnamon doses between 120 mg to 2 grams per day decreased total cholesterol, LDL “bad” cholesterol, and triglyceride levels over 2-18 weeks treatment periods [14].

Researchers noted the triglyceride lowering effect was particularly pronounced at intakes above 1 gram per day. Maintaining lower triglycerides may promote heart health – especially in those with borderline high levels between 150-199 mg/dL [15].

Other compounds in cinnamon like cinnamaldehyde could inhibit blood clot formation involved in heart attacks or strokes by blocking arachidonic acid conversion [16]. One study also showed cardiac patients taking cinnamon extracts improved antioxidant status and LDL oxidation levels after only 12 days [17].

However, current evidence is preliminary with some mixed results amongst trials – likely due to differences in study length and cinnamon types or dosing used [18]. Larger scale, longer term clinical trials are necessary to substantiate cinnamon’s potential for supporting heart health.

Bottom Line:

Early research hints cinnamon may lower heart disease risk factors like elevated serum triglycerides, cholesterol levels, and markers linked to excessive blood clotting. But current evidence remains inconsistent and limited in scope.

  1. May Have Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Abilities

Chronic inflammation and excessive free radical damage are at the root of most chronic diseases, including metabolic disorders, heart disease, neurodegenerative conditions, and cancer [19].

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory abilities of cinnamon compounds might explain some of its varied health benefits.

Specific antioxidants in cinnamon varieties like tannins, phenols, flavonoids, and certain proanthocyanidins demonstrate free radical scavenging activity in laboratory models [20]. Human trials also show consistent improvements in antioxidant status markers amongst those taking supplemental cinnamon [21].

Additionally, test tube and animal research finds cinnamon extracts high in cinnamaldehyde or other polyphenol antioxidants inhibit activity of multiple inflammatory cytokines, enzymes, and pathways [22]. This broadly acting anti-inflammatory activity could benefit diverse inflammatory disorders.

Translating these antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects into measurable clinical benefits for specific health conditions requires more investigation through properly designed human trials. But they hint at cinnamon’s therapeutic potential as a multifaceted protective agent given the connections between oxidative stress, inflammation status, and disease development [23].

Bottom Line:

Compounds in cinnamon demonstrate antioxidant free radical neutralizing capacity along with modulation of numerous inflammatory markers and pathways in preclinical models. These broad anti-inflammatory effects may underlie some associated health benefits, though human trials are still emerging.

  1. May Combat Neurodegenerative Diseases Like Alzheimer’s

Another promising cinnamon application gaining more scientific validation recently is for combating Alzheimer’s disease and age-related neurodegeneration.

For example, certain compounds in Saigon cinnamon – like epicatechol and cinnamaldehyde – were shown in laboratory studies to inhibit aggregation of beta-amyloid and tau proteins in neuronal cells [24]. These misfolded protein clusters are the main components of the hallmark plaques and tangles observed in the brains of those with Alzheimer’s disease [25].

Other possible neuroprotective mechanisms being analyzed include cinnamon’s abilities to suppress neuronal inflammation, boost antioxidative defense enzymes in the brain, and enhance nerve growth factor levels to support general neuronal health [26].

So far most research is limited to test tube and animal models. Small early human studies, like a randomized placebo-controlled trial finding daily intake of 1-to-6 grams of Cassia cinnamon over four months improved cognitive function scores in moderate Alzheimer’s patients, show promising potential [27]. But large scale clinical trials are still needed.

Bottom Line:

Certain compounds in cinnamon show promise for targeting pathological proteins and inflammation patterns underlying Alzheimer’s disease development in preclinical models. Early small human studies also hint at brain function benefits. But more research is necessary to substantiate effects.

  1. May Have Antimicrobial Properties

Traditional medicinal systems have utilized cinnamon for its antiseptic and local anti-infective capacities when applied topically for ages [28]. Modern investigations now reveal certain cinnamon compounds harbor antimicrobial effects against common foodborne pathogens, candida overgrowths, diarrhea-causing bacteria strains, and more – which could partially validate these folkloric uses.

For example, cinnamaldehyde was shown to completely inhibit growth of Helicobacter pylori bacteria associated with stomach ulcers and gastritis at relatively low concentrations [29]. Other lab research finds cinnamaldehyde displays broad antifungal activity against various candida species while also combating strains of Listeria and Salmonella bacteria [30].

Out of several spices and herbs tested, one study in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine discovered Cassia cinnamon oil possessed the strongest antibacterial action against multi-drug resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus [31]. Such hard-to-treat bacterial infections are an urgent global health threat [32].

Some experts believe polymers called proanthocyanidins within cinnamon may disrupt bacterial cell adhesion and invasion mechanisms while also suppressing certain bacterial virulence factors [33]. This could make cinnamon particularly useful for reducing the infective nature and spread of harmful bacteria.

Future investigation still needs to determine optimal cinnamon doses and formulations for direct antimicrobial applications in humans. But early findings suggest certain cinnamon compounds could make promising natural preservatives or microbiological inhibitors – especially in the context of foodborne illnesses or drug-resistant microbial strains.

Bottom Line:

Constituents within cinnamon like cinnamaldehyde and oligomeric proanthocyanidins display promising antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial effects against various disease-causing pathogens in preliminary lab studies. Further clinical research is warranted to substantiate real world antimicrobial applications.

  1. Easy to Incorporate Into Your Diet

Cinnamon has many health benefits, but it’s also very easy to incorporate into your diet on a regular basis. As little as 1/2 to 1 teaspoon (2-4 grams) daily may provide therapeutic effects based on clinical research using doses in this range [34].

Here are some popular ways to use delicious cinnamon to amplify nutrition and health:

  • Sprinkle on oatmeal, yogurt, cottage cheese, or rice pudding
  • Mix into smoothies, protein shakes, coffee, or tea
  • Bake into muffins, cookies, cakes, or breads
  • Roast with sweet potatoes, winter squash, carrots, or apples
  • Fold into grain bowls or chia pudding
  • Blend with plant-based milks for “cinnamon milk”
  • Stir into overnight oats or breakfast granola
  • Dust onto sweet snack fruits like grapefruit
  • Flavor curries, chilies, and savory stews
  • Combine with nuts and seeds for “cinnamon nut” snack mixes

Cinnamon is versatile enough to enhance both sweet and savory dishes from breakfast to dessert. Consider replacing sugar with cinnamon in your recipes or adding it to plain dishes like plain Greek yogurt and cottage cheese.

Given research used doses between 1/2 teaspoon up to 6 teaspoons, simply incorporating 1/2 to 1 teaspoon into your foods and beverages daily may offer protective benefits that accumulate over time.

Does Cinnamon Have Health Benefits
Does Cinnamon Have Health Benefits

Precautions and Potential Side Effects

Cassia cinnamon, the most common supermarket variety, contains substantial amounts of a compound called coumarin. Some European food authorities set a Tolerable Daily Intake upper limit for coumarin at 0.1 mg per 1 lb of body weight due to concerns about potential liver toxicity from excessive intake [35].

This would equal around 5 grams (1 teaspoon) of Cassia cinnamon powder. Intakes above this level, especially for prolonged periods, may raise concerns about liver health and interactions with blood thinning medications like warfarin in sensitive groups [36].

However, Ceylon cinnamon contains only trace coumarin levels that are generally recognized as safe even at higher intakes [37]. Those concerned about coumarin exposure can opt for Ceylon cinnamon when possible. Carefully sourcing Cassia cinnamon from regions with lower cinnamaldehyde content can also minimize coumarin levels [38].

Beyond coumarin content, some people report mouth or stomach irritation when consuming cinnamon – especially in doses over 5 grams per day. Generally, people tolerate daily intake between 0.5-6 grams well without adverse reactions [39].

Rare allergic hypersensitivities to constituents in cinnamon tree varieties are also possible. Allergies usually present as skin redness, rashes, or watery eyes upon exposure. Discontinue use if such sensitivities occur.

As with adding any new spice, herb, or supplement to your regimen, introduce cinnamon gradually while assessing individual tolerance – especially if taking medications or blood thinners. Check with your doctor about how cinnamon might interact with health conditions or other drugs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cinnamon

  1. Which type of cinnamon is healthiest?

Ceylon cinnamon is considered the “true” and superior form of cinnamon due to its ultra low coumarin levels and more delicate, complex flavor. On the other hand, Cassia cinnamon displays higher antioxidant capacity and cinnamaldehyde content responsible for much of cinnamon’s therapeutic bioactivity [40]. Both supply beneficial compounds that may complement one another. Blending Ceylon and a quality Cassia variety strikes an optimal balance between safety, potency, and flavor.

  1. Is it better to cook with cinnamon or add it after?

Maximizing cinnamon’s volatile essential oil content with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties warrants adding it after cooking when possible [41]. However, given cinnamon also supplies stable polyphenols, incorporating it into baked goods or heating briefly in oatmeal retains ample protective capacities while also infusing its warming flavors throughout.

  1. What’s the difference between cinnamon powder and cinnamon supplements?

Ceylon or Cassia cinnamon powders essentially act as “broken down” supplements you can conveniently add into foods, beverages, and recipes. Encapsulated supplements represent more concentrated, refined extracts of cinnamon or its isolated chemical constituents like cinnamaldehyde. Supplements standardize a dose but lose flavor and synergies of the whole powder. Both supply beneficial compounds in different formats.


Does Cinnamon Have Health Benefits-Cinnamon is one of the most researched and celebrated medicinal spices – substantiating many of its millennia-old applications for blood sugar control, metabolic health, brain function, microbe inhibition, and more. Studies demonstrate that as little as 1/2 teaspoon to 2 teaspoons (1-4 grams) daily offers measurable health benefits with a strong safety profile. Safer Ceylon varieties provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory polyphenols with minimal risks while more potent Cassia types supply the highest doses of bioactive cinnamaldehyde with moderate coumarin exposure to consider. Incorporating moderate cinnamon amounts into your diet represents an easy, cost effective way to boost overall nutrition on multiple fronts thanks to this versatile spice’s diverse therapeutic mechanisms and flavors.

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