
How can heart health be maintained without walking?


Taking care of our heart often involves suggestions like reaching 10,000 steps a day through walking. Yet, fitting this into our daily routines can be a challenge for many. Nonetheless, experts have explored alternate exercises that prove beneficial for heart and overall health, beyond walking.

Heart Health
Heart Health


In a recent Al-Arabiya publication, a study highlighted the surprising benefits of climbing stairs. Researchers found that ascending and descending stairs just five times a day (each session comprising at least 10 steps) can notably shield against heart-related issues and strokes.

A study involving 400,000 British volunteers revealed intriguing insights. Those who incorporated climbing stairs into their routines, aiming for about 10 times a day, showed slight improvements in their health. It appears that stair climbing isn’t just a mundane activity; it stands on par with walking, jogging, or cycling in promoting better health.

The University of Ullan delved deeper, observing 458,860 individuals over 12 years in UK, noting their daily stair-climbing habits. Astonishingly, the research unearthed that among these volunteers, 39,043 individuals reported arterial narrowing, causing blood flow constraints.

Published in the Atherosclerosis journal, the results were illuminating. Those climbing at least five flights of stairs daily were 3% less likely to develop arterial narrowing compared to non-stair climbers. Moreover, those ascending six flights or more daily saw a risk reduction of up to 16%.


hearth health

Climbing stairs is also a form of exercise

The implications were significant—volunteers who ascended at least 50 stairs daily exhibited notably lower risks of heart attacks or strokes. This form of exercise, the experts note, not only burns more calories than walking but also fortifies muscles and lungs.

Dr. Lokoyi, a key figure in the research, observed that increased stair climbing significantly improved heart health and respiratory functions. The consensus? Stair climbing, particularly for those not engaging in regular physical activity, emerges as a top preventive measure against heart diseases.

However, it’s crucial to note that this observation-based study doesn’t claim stair climbing alone eliminates heart disease risks, nor does it dismiss the importance of other forms of physical exercise. Stair climbing stands out as a potent ally in maintaining heart health, supplementing a holistic approach to physical fitness.


In conclusion, the study’s revelations about the benefits of stair climbing for heart health are compelling. While the 10,000-step recommendation remains a cornerstone in promoting physical and cardiovascular well-being, the research sheds light on an accessible and effective alternative. Stair climbing, it appears, isn’t merely a mundane activity but a powerful ally in the pursuit of a healthier heart.

The insights from the extensive study, involving hundreds of thousands of participants, underscore the significance of incorporating stair climbing into daily routines. The findings emphasize the potential of this exercise in reducing the risks of arterial narrowing, heart attacks, and strokes. Moreover, the observation that stair climbing not only burns calories but also strengthens muscles and lungs accentuates its multifaceted benefits.

Dr. Lokoyi’s remarks regarding the significant improvements in heart health and respiratory functions among those who engaged in frequent stair climbing underscore its potential as an essential form of exercise. However, it’s essential to recognize that while stair climbing offers substantial benefits, it’s not a standalone solution. Rather, it complements a holistic approach to physical fitness and heart health.

This study serves as a reminder that even seemingly simple activities like climbing stairs can contribute significantly to our well-being. Incorporating stair climbing into daily life can be a meaningful step towards a healthier heart, especially for those who might not engage in other forms of physical activity.

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