
Look for inspiration in your favorite books, movies, and music.



If you’re looking for inspiration, there are many ways to find it. You can look at the world around you, inside your home and even in books, movies and music. Here are some ways that I have found inspiration 

Music can be very inspirational.

Music can be very inspiring. Whether you’re listening to a song on repeat, or writing about it in your journal, music is a great way to get into the creative flow.

  • When I’m feeling stressed out, I love listening to piano pieces by Chopin or Beethoven because they make me feel calm and relaxed. The melodies are so beautiful that even if I don’t understand what’s being said during the song (which happens sometimes), it still helps me relax my body and mind by focusing on something positive instead of negative thoughts like “my boss is mad at me” or “I forgot my keys again!”

  • If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our favorite paintings over time—whether it be Van Gogh’s Starry Night or Monet’s Waterlilies—it’s that they can be very inspiring when we look at them closely enough without getting overwhelmed by all its detail details details etcetera etcetera…

You can find inspiration in the world around you.

You can find inspiration in the world around you.

  • Look for inspiration in nature. If you’re feeling down, look at a sunset or a flower and take in its beauty—it will make your heart sing!

  • Look for inspiration by looking into people’s eyes. They might be smiling or laughing but they could also be sad or angry; it depends on their moods and feelings at that moment. You may have never noticed this before but now that I’ve told you about it, we’ll see how often we notice these things about people next time we meet someone new!

  • Find inspiration from books and movies: there are so many great stories out there that can teach us valuable lessons about life (and maybe even teach us how to avoid making mistakes ourselves!).

Look to the animals and birds in your area for a sense of wonder.

  • Look to the animals and birds in your area for a sense of wonder.

  • Find inspiration right outside your door – even in the rain.

You can find inspiration right outside your door – even in the rain.

  • Look at the beauty of nature.

  • Look at the patterns in the clouds.

  • Look at the patterns in the trees.

  • Look at the patterns in grasses, leaves, and flowers.

  • Browse through pictures of plants on Instagram or Pinterest—they’re a great source of inspiration!

Look for inspiration in your favorite books, movies, and music.

  • Listening to your favorite music.

  • Watching your favorite movies.

  • Reading your favorite books.

You can also look for inspiration in other places, like the radio and newspaper, podcasts (like Serial), or even just taking a walk in nature!

There are so many ways to tap into your creativity and inspiration!

When it comes to finding creative inspiration, there are so many ways you can do it. You can look back in time and see how artists have used their imagination to create something new and unique. Or maybe you’d like to take a break from writing and draw a picture of someone who inspires you! Or maybe you’re reading this article right now because we told you about some great books that will inspire your writing.

We’ve collected some of our favorite places where writers get ideas from nature:

  • Books by writers like Anne Lamott or Jules Renard (both mentioned above)

  • Parks with beautiful scenery like Lake Michigan or The Great Smoky Mountains National Park


You can find inspiration in so many places. It’s up to you to decide which one is right for you!

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