
Various causes of Gum Bleeding And The Necessary Treatment Options

Gum Bleeding are a serious symptom in dentistry and it usually indicates gum disease. But other than periodontic infection or gum disease there can be other causes too behind this problem says one of the leading dentists in London. Brushing the teeth with excessive force and badly fitted dentures are the other common reasons that lead to Gum Bleeding. The symptom of bleeding gums is best taken care of by a dentist and in case you suffer from this problem you should get yourself diagnosed by a dentist sooner than later. Otherwise when the problem is left ignored and unattended it leads to serious complications including periodontitis which is an advanced and alarming stage of gum disease.

The symptom of Gum Bleeding and the possible dental conditions:

For people who do not take proper care of their teeth bleeding gums is a common symptom. Inflamed gums often lead to gingivitis and still if the condition is not properly treated it escalates to a more serious level called periodontitis. People suffering from periodontitis experience greater sensitivity in the gums and bleeding compared to the condition of gingivitis.

In lack of sound oral hygiene and routine dental checkups plaque build-ups are most likely to appear underneath the gum line for lengthy stretch of time. this condition often leads to gingivitis and when the problem of gingivitis is left untreated and uncared for it becomes tartar which is a more complicated problem overall. When tartar develops you suffer more bleeding from the gums.

Dentists in London who deal with gum pain treatment usually recommend anti gingivitis toothpaste in these cases. If anti gingivitis toothpaste is not prescribed then fluoride toothpaste is recommended to patients. You should brush the teeth properly twice a day in this condition using a toothbrush with soft bristles. Wait for some time after brushing the teeth and then rinse the mouth with water. This allows the toothpaste to perform its action better on your teeth and the gums.

While brushing the teeth you must clean your tongue every day to improve your oral hygiene quotient. Flossing the teeth daily also proves helpful staying away from harmful bacteria and plaque build-ups in the mouth. It even helps dislodging food particles stuck in the teeth. When you start flossing for the first time your gums are likely to bleed but patients suffering from gingivitis often show other symptoms too like slightly swollen or puffy gums, pain in the teeth and the gums and receding gums, etc.

Other symptoms that patients suffering from gum disease develop include bad breath, the teeth not fitting together properly as before, change in their usual bite pattern, consistent bad taste in the mouth and others. Many patients also complain about their mouth going dry. Your dentist will definitely recommend you effective solutions to the problem of dry mouth but for that you must discuss the matter with the expert.

If gingivitis is not treated in time it progresses to the next level which is periodontitis. At this stage of the infection affects not only your gums but also the teeth as well. In fact it spreads to the bones and the tissues surrounding both the teeth and the gum. As a result o this, your teeth may become loose in their sockets and fall out. Patients of gum disease often suffer from teeth loss.

Other than gum disease vitamin deficiencies in the body may also lead to bleeding from the gums. Particularly vitamin C and vitamin K deficiency results in gum bleeding. If you experience bleeding gums you must visit your dentist immediately and get yourself diagnosed. It is also important to follow an all-round diet and drink plenty of water in this condition.

Gum disease patients should emphasise more on the following foods to prevent further deterioration of their condition.

  • Fresh, green, leafy and crunchy vegetables including bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, radish and others to overcome vitamin deficiencies
  • A dentist based in London having years of experience in providing treatment to bleeding and painful gums suggest fresh citrus fruits are also helpful to fight the conditions of gingivitis and periodontitis. Go for strawberries, tomatoes and other citrus fruits and vegetables to clear away the infection.
  • Greenie items like lettuce, spinach, watercress, kale and others help improve raising Vitamin K level in your body
  • In the category of edible oils soyabean oil and olive oil are very helpful fighting the condition of gum disease

What results in bleeding from the gums?

Poor oral hygiene which is often related to gum disease or gingivitis vitamin deficiencies in the body also lead to bleeding from the gums. Apart from that your badly fitted dentures are also found responsible for this condition. If the bleeding is caused by badly fitted orthodontic appliances like dentures and implants then you should ask your dentist to correct those imperfections in the appliances so that they fit you better. Pregnant women also experience bleeding from the gums which results from great fluctuations in hormonal levels in the body.

Explains a dentist having extensive expertise in providing gum bleeding treatment. More serious medical conditions like leukaemia and haemophilia may also result in bleeding from the gums. This is even more obvious when these patients are administered with blood thinning medications like ibuprofen and paracetamol. Swollen and bleeding gums are also common symptoms in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. People suffering from chronic blood sugar are more prone to develop gum disease and also take longer time to get healed from it.

Treatment for Gum Bleeding

If you are suffering from bleeding gums you must book an appointment with your dentist right away. Your dentist will diagnose your mouth thoroughly and identify the underlying cause of the symptom. The earlier your treatment starts the better are your chances of getting completely recovered. At initial stages dentists usually recommend antiseptic mouthwash to minimise plaque build-ups in the mouth. This way they often help patients avoid development of periodontal disease. Rinsing the mouth thoroughly with lukewarm salt water daily is also an effective means to reduce swelling inflammation and bleeding from the gums.

Proper brushing and flossing techniques are helpful improving oral hygiene and combat further progression of gingivitis. People who are in higher risk bracket of developing gum disease should have their teeth professionally cleaned by dental hygienist every six month. According to a dentist who possesses years of expertise in gum bleeding causes and treatmentscaling and root planning often prove helpful clearing away both tartar and plaque build-ups from the underlying areas between the teeth and the gums to help you combat gum disease.  Contact Emergency Dentist London Pro for your treatment.

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