
5 natural ingredients for achieving thick and long eyelashes


A person’s eyelashes play a crucial role in framing and accentuating the beauty of their eyes. It’s widely acknowledged that longer and thicker eyelashes can significantly enhance the overall attractiveness of one’s eyes. These delicate, hair-like structures that fringe the eyelids serve not only as a protective barrier but also as a prominent feature of facial aesthetics.

In the pursuit of achieving fuller and more beautiful eyelashes, individuals can turn to a wealth of knowledge and advice. A noteworthy source of guidance on this matter is a report recently published in NDTV, a reputable news outlet known for its informative content. This report delves into the realm of at-home remedies and practical tips aimed at helping individuals achieve the coveted goal of thicker and more luscious eyelashes.

Within the report, readers can discover a treasure trove of insights and recommendations on how to nurture and enhance the appearance of their eyelashes. These suggestions may encompass a variety of methods, including natural remedies, cosmetics, and lifestyle adjustments, all geared towards promoting eyelash health and beauty. By following the advice provided in the report, individuals can embark on a journey to not only make their eyelashes thicker and more beautiful but also to accentuate the allure of their eyes, further boosting their overall confidence and aesthetic appeal.

Castor oil

Applying castor oil not only makes the eyelashes thicker but also prevents them from falling. To apply on the eyelids, mix a few drops of castor oil with coconut oil and then apply it carefully with the help of fingertips or a cotton ball.
Apply it at night and wash it off in the morning.

Castor Oil for Eyelashes:

Castor oil is a popular natural remedy for promoting thicker and stronger eyelashes. It not only makes eyelashes thicker but also helps prevent them from falling out. Here’s how to use castor oil effectively for eyelash care:


  • Castor oil
  • Coconut oil (optional)


  1. Mixing Castor Oil with Coconut Oil (optional):
    • If desired, you can mix a few drops of castor oil with coconut oil. Coconut oil can provide additional nourishment to your eyelashes.
  2. Application:
    • Using your fingertips or a cotton ball, carefully apply the castor oil mixture to your eyelids, focusing on the base of your eyelashes. Be gentle to avoid any contact with your eyes.
  3. Timing:
    • It’s best to apply the castor oil at night before bedtime. This allows the oil to work its magic while you sleep and minimizes the risk of it getting into your eyes during the day.
  4. Washing Off in the Morning:
    • In the morning, wash off the castor oil mixture from your eyelids using a gentle eye makeup remover or simply with warm water and a mild cleanser. Ensure that there is no residue left on your eyelids.


  • Castor oil is rich in nutrients and fatty acids that can help nourish and strengthen your eyelashes.
  • It promotes blood circulation in the hair follicles, which encourages eyelash growth.
  • The oil’s moisturizing properties can prevent eyelashes from becoming brittle and breaking.
  • Regular use can lead to visibly thicker and healthier-looking eyelashes over time.

Remember to be consistent with your castor oil eyelash treatment, as results may take some time to become noticeable. Additionally, be cautious when applying any oil near your eyes to avoid irritation or contact with the eyes themselves.

Coconut oil is emollient

Coconut oil

You can also apply just coconut oil on your eyelashes. It is gentle and can be used around the eyes. Applying it on the eyelashes makes the eyelashes thicker.

Coconut Oil for Eyelashes:

Coconut oil is a simple and natural remedy for enhancing the appearance of your eyelashes. It is a gentle and safe option for the sensitive area around your eyes. Here’s how to use coconut oil effectively for eyelash care:


  1. Obtain High-Quality Coconut Oil:
    • Ensure that you have pure, organic, and high-quality coconut oil. It’s important to use a product without any added chemicals or fragrances, as these can irritate the delicate skin around your eyes.
  2. Cleanse Your Face:
    • Start by cleansing your face to remove any makeup, dirt, or debris from your eyelashes and eyelids. This ensures that the coconut oil can be applied to clean lashes.
  3. Application:
    • Using a clean fingertip or a cotton swab, gently apply a small amount of coconut oil to your eyelashes. Be cautious not to use too much, as excess oil may drip into your eyes.
  4. Coating the Lashes:
    • Ensure that you coat your lashes from the base to the tips, paying attention to evenly distribute the coconut oil. This helps in moisturizing and conditioning the lashes.
  5. Leave it On:
    • Allow the coconut oil to remain on your eyelashes overnight. It’s best to apply it before bedtime, as this gives it ample time to work its magic while you sleep.
  6. Rinse in the Morning:
    • In the morning, gently rinse off the coconut oil from your eyelashes using warm water. You can use a mild cleanser or just water, depending on your preference.


  • Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids, vitamins, and nutrients that promote overall lash health.
  • It moisturizes and nourishes the lashes, preventing them from becoming brittle and breaking.
  • The gentle nature of coconut oil makes it suitable for use around the eyes without causing irritation.
  • Over time, regular application can lead to the appearance of thicker and healthier eyelashes.

Coconut oil is a natural and cost-effective way to care for your eyelashes and enhance their thickness and overall condition. Consistency in application is key to achieving the best results.

Olive Oil

Another tip for weak eyelashes is olive oil. This causes the eyelashes to thicken quickly. Apply it on the eyelids with the help of a cotton ball. This makes the eyelashes not only thicker but also longer.

Olive Oil for Eyelashes:

Olive oil is a natural remedy that can work wonders for strengthening and improving the appearance of your eyelashes. It’s known for its ability to promote thicker and longer lashes. Here’s how to use olive oil effectively for eyelash care:


  1. Choose High-Quality Olive Oil:
    • Opt for extra virgin olive oil, which is the purest form and retains the most nutrients. Ensure that the oil is free of additives or preservatives.
  2. Ensure Clean Eyelids:
    • Start by cleaning your eyelids to remove any makeup, dirt, or impurities. It’s essential to have a clean surface for the olive oil to be applied effectively.
  3. Application:
    • Soak a clean cotton ball or cotton swab in a small amount of olive oil. Be cautious not to use too much, as excess oil can drip into your eyes.
  4. Apply to Eyelids:
    • Gently apply the olive oil-soaked cotton ball or swab to your eyelids. Ensure that it’s distributed evenly over your eyelashes, from the base to the tips.
  5. Leave it On:
    • Allow the olive oil to remain on your eyelashes overnight for the best results. Applying it before bedtime ensures that it has sufficient time to nourish and strengthen your lashes.
  6. Rinse in the Morning:
    • In the morning, rinse off the olive oil from your eyelashes using warm water. You can use a mild cleanser if desired.


  • Olive oil is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and healthy fats that can nourish and hydrate your eyelashes, preventing them from becoming brittle and prone to breakage.
  • The application of olive oil can promote blood circulation in the hair follicles, which encourages lash growth and may lead to thicker and longer lashes over time.
  • It’s a gentle and safe option for the sensitive skin around your eyes, minimizing the risk of irritation.

Regular use of olive oil can help you achieve thicker and longer eyelashes naturally, enhancing their overall health and appearance. Consistency in application is key to seeing noticeable results.

Green tea

Green tea has antioxidant properties, so it helps to make eyelashes grow longer and thicker faster. One of its features is that it also removes dark circles.

Green tea has antioxidant properties.

Add green tea leaves or a green tea bag to a bowl of warm water and when it cools down, apply it on your eyelids and then wash it off with cold water.

Green Tea for Eyelashes:

Green tea is well-known for its antioxidant properties, and it can be a valuable natural remedy for promoting the growth of longer and thicker eyelashes. Additionally, it offers the benefit of potentially reducing dark circles under the eyes. Here’s how to use green tea for eyelash care:


  1. Prepare Green Tea:
    • Start by brewing a cup of green tea using a high-quality, organic green tea bag or loose leaves. Allow the tea to steep and cool until it’s lukewarm.
  2. Cleanse the Eye Area:
    • Before applying green tea to your eyelashes, ensure that the eye area is clean and free of makeup or impurities.
  3. Application:
    • Dip a clean cotton ball or a cotton pad into the lukewarm green tea. Gently squeeze out any excess liquid.
  4. Apply to Eyelids:
    • Close your eyes and carefully apply the green tea-soaked cotton ball or pad to your eyelids, including the base of your eyelashes. Make sure it’s distributed evenly.
  5. Leave it On:
    • Allow the green tea to remain on your eyelids and eyelashes for about 10-15 minutes. This allows the antioxidants in the tea to work on nourishing and strengthening your lashes.
  6. Rinse or Remove:
    • After the designated time, you can either rinse your eyelids with cool water or gently remove the green tea using a clean, damp cotton pad.


  • Green tea contains antioxidants such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that can stimulate hair follicles and promote eyelash growth.
  • The nutrients in green tea may help to make eyelashes appear longer and thicker over time.
  • Additionally, green tea’s anti-inflammatory properties could contribute to reducing dark circles under the eyes when used consistently.

Using green tea as part of your eyelash care routine can be a natural and gentle way to enhance the health and appearance of your eyelashes while potentially addressing dark circles. Consistency in application is key to experiencing noticeable results.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera gel is used in cosmetics. It has numerous benefits for the skin. Apply this gel on the eyelids and leave it for five minutes and then wash off with water.
When applying aloe vera on the eyelids, keep your eyes closed and be careful as the eyes are sensitive.

Aloe Vera Gel for Eyelashes:

Aloe vera gel is a versatile and natural ingredient widely used in cosmetics and skincare. It offers numerous benefits for the skin and can also be used to promote healthier eyelashes. Here’s how to use aloe vera gel effectively for eyelash care:


  1. Select Pure Aloe Vera Gel:
    • Choose a high-quality aloe vera gel that is pure and free from additives or fragrances. Look for products that are specifically designed for topical use on the skin.
  2. Ensure Clean Eyelids:
    • Begin by cleansing your eyelids to remove any makeup, dirt, or impurities. Clean eyelids provide a better surface for the aloe vera gel to adhere to.
  3. Application:
    • Carefully open your eyes and use a clean fingertip or a cotton swab to apply a small amount of aloe vera gel to your eyelids. Focus on the base of your eyelashes but avoid getting the gel directly into your eyes.
  4. Leave it On:
    • Allow the aloe vera gel to sit on your eyelids for approximately five minutes. During this time, it can work to moisturize and nourish your eyelashes and the surrounding skin.
  5. Rinse Off:
    • After five minutes, rinse the aloe vera gel off your eyelids with cool water. You can use a gentle cleanser or simply water to remove the gel.


  • Aloe vera gel is known for its hydrating and soothing properties, which can help prevent eyelashes from becoming brittle and breaking.
  • It contains vitamins and minerals that can promote eyelash growth and overall lash health.
  • Aloe vera gel is gentle and safe for use around the eyes, but it’s important to be cautious and avoid direct contact with the eyes, as they are sensitive.

Regularly using aloe vera gel on your eyelids can contribute to healthier and more nourished eyelashes. However, it’s essential to exercise care when applying any product near your eyes to prevent irritation.


In conclusion, it is evident that eyelashes are not just simple strands of hair but rather play a pivotal role in framing and enhancing the beauty of one’s eyes. The consensus among beauty enthusiasts and experts alike is that longer and thicker eyelashes can have a profound impact on the overall attractiveness of an individual’s eyes. These delicate, hair-like structures that gracefully fringe the eyelids serve both as a protective shield for the eyes and a significant feature of facial aesthetics.

As individuals seek to achieve fuller and more beautiful eyelashes, they are fortunate to have access to a vast reservoir of knowledge and advice. One particularly valuable source of guidance in this endeavor is a recently published report by NDTV, a well-respected news outlet known for its informative and trustworthy content. This report delves deep into the world of at-home remedies and practical tips, all aimed at assisting individuals in attaining the coveted goal of thicker and more luxurious eyelashes.

Within the pages of this report, readers can unearth a wealth of insights and recommendations on how to nurture and enhance the appearance of their eyelashes. These recommendations span a wide spectrum of methods, including the use of natural remedies, specialized cosmetics, and adjustments to one’s lifestyle. All of these strategies are meticulously designed to promote the health and beauty of eyelashes.

By diligently following the expert advice provided within the report, individuals can embark on a transformative journey not only to achieve thicker and more beautiful eyelashes but also to accentuate the allure of their eyes. The ultimate result is the enhancement of one’s self-confidence and overall aesthetic appeal.

Moreover, some of the suggested methods, such as the use of castor oil, coconut oil, olive oil, green tea, and aloe vera, are natural and gentle approaches to achieving these goals. These substances not only promote the thickness and length of eyelashes but also offer additional benefits, such as preventing eyelash loss, removing dark circles, and soothing the sensitive skin around the eyes.

In essence, the pursuit of thicker and more beautiful eyelashes is not just a beauty trend but a journey towards enhancing one’s self-esteem and overall well-being. With the guidance provided in the NDTV report and the use of natural remedies like castor oil, coconut oil, olive oil, green tea, and aloe vera, individuals have at their disposal a holistic approach to achieving stunning and captivating eyelashes, ultimately contributing to a more confident and radiant version of themselves.

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