
Is Consuming Curd Beneficial During the Winter Season?

The consumption of curd, which is eaten fondly in summer, decreases in winter, but why?


 Winter is just around the corner, and surely those who love this season more than summer will be quite happy. As this season approaches, people start eating many things to improve their health while avoiding many things, one of them being curd. Yoghurt, which is eaten fondly in summer season, is no longer considered as a favorite in this seasonMany people believe that curd should be avoided during winters, as it can cause sore throat.

Unlocking the Truth Behind This Cold-Weather Conundrum

As the chilly embrace of winter wraps its arms around us, the quest for nourishment and warmth becomes a top priority. In the realm of dietary choices, one age-old debate resurfaces: Is it beneficial to consume curd (yogurt) during the winter season? Some consider it a staple in their diet, while others raise concerns about its cooling properties. In this article, we embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind this culinary conundrum.

Curd: A Nutrient Powerhouse

Curd, a versatile dairy product derived from milk through fermentation with beneficial bacteria, is renowned for its richness in essential nutrients. It’s a treasure trove of proteins, calcium, vitamins (notably B12), and probiotics. The probiotics found in curd promote gut health by maintaining a balanced microbial environment in the digestive system, aiding in the absorption of nutrients.

Curd’s Cooling Reputation

One of the primary reasons for the debate around curd during winter is its perceived cooling properties. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, suggests that curd has a cooling effect on the body. Traditionally, it’s believed that consuming too much curd during the winter might exacerbate the sensation of cold. However, modern science paints a more complex picture.

The Science Behind Curd’s Effect on the Body

The Ayurvedic concept of cooling and heating foods is rooted in the impact they have on the body’s “doshas” – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Curd is considered “cooling” because of its influence on the Pitta dosha, which is associated with heat and digestion. However, the effect of curd on each individual can vary based on their constitution and the overall balance of doshas in their body.

Probiotics and Gut Health

Curd’s probiotic content can be particularly beneficial during the winter season. A healthy gut is essential for a robust immune system, and probiotics play a crucial role in maintaining gut flora. With the immune system working tirelessly to combat winter illnesses, consuming curd can provide valuable support to help ward off common colds and flu.


Moderation is Key

The debate about consuming curd during winter ultimately boils down to moderation and individual factors. While some may find that it affects their body temperature, others may benefit from its probiotic and nutrient content, especially in bolstering their immune system.

For those concerned about the cooling properties of curd, there are ways to mitigate this effect. Combining it with warming spices such as ginger, black pepper, or turmeric can help neutralize the cooling impact. Additionally, using room-temperature or slightly warm curd instead of cold curd can make it more suitable for winter consumption.

Embracing Curd in Your Winter Diet

In conclusion, the verdict on consuming curd during the winter season is not a one-size-fits-all answer. The key is to embrace it mindfully, recognizing its nutrient-rich and probiotic qualities, while also being attuned to your body’s response. If curd suits your constitution and you enjoy its benefits, there’s no reason to exclude it from your winter diet.

As winter unfolds, let curd be a part of your culinary journey. Experiment with it in various forms – as a yogurt bowl with seasonal fruits and nuts, a soothing raita, or even a warming bowl of spiced yogurt soup. After all, a balanced approach to nutrition is the cornerstone of a healthy and vibrant winter season.

So, whether you choose to savor its creamy goodness or not, remember that the key to a wholesome winter diet lies in embracing a variety of nourishing foods that cater to your unique needs and preferences. Enjoy your culinary adventures and stay warm and well!


By the way, yogurt is rich in nutrients that contain bacteria that are considered positive for health, it also contains many beneficial vitamins, while potassium, calcium and protein are also found in yogurt.Many herbalists believe that curd should be avoided in winter, because it increases phlegm and colds, and people who are already suffering from diseases like cough, cold or fever, It is not good for them to eat curd in this season especially at night. While science has a different opinion in this regard, according to it, yogurt is the best food for immunity in the human body, it is also high in vitamin B12, and eating yogurt in winter can keep health better.Yes, but curd should not be eaten after 5 pm in winter, as it can cause cold.                              
So should you not eat yogurt at all, or should you? Do not worry about this question, but reduce its quantity and avoid eating it cold.


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